Anti Mullerian hormone

AsseyMethod: Chemiluminescence
Abbrevation: AMH
Sector: Hormone 1
SampleType: S
S.Vol: -
Transport: -20˚c
Storage: Freeze at -20˚c for 3 months.
Test Name: Anti Mullerian hormone
Normal Range: random female:up to 12.6 females 3rd day of cycle:up to 10.6 post menopausal female:up to 8.9 Girls:up to 8.9 males:1.3-14.8 males fertility clinic:0.8-14.6 Boys:3.8-159

This test is related to
Why get tested?

In the UK, measurement of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) has three generally accepted uses (based on published evidence):

  • To help guide treatment of women undergoing assisted conception procedures.
  • As part of an investigation of abnormal sexual development in babies and children.
  • AMH may also be used to monitor the response to treatment for some types of ovarian tumours.
When to get tested?

Some women are tested when they are referred for assisted conception procedures e.g. in vitro fertilisation (IVF). The result can help the doctor to provide appropriate treatment which is individualised to the patients' needs.

As part of an extended newborn screen, when an infant has ambiguous genitalia (i.e. it is not clear whether the baby is a boy or a girl).

AMH may be tested to monitor the response to treatment and tumour recurrence in women with an AMH-secreting ovarian tumour.

Sample required?

A blood sample taken from the vein in your arm or from a heel prick in an infant

Test preparation needed?



What is being tested?

The test measures a hormone called anti – Müllerian hormone (AMH). This hormone is very important during the development of the male foetus as it is essential for the formation of male reproductive organs.

In males, AMH is generated within cells in the testes. AMH is detectable at birth in males and levels rise rapidly in infancy. After puberty, the levels of AMH decline in men.

In females, small amounts of AMH are produced by developing follicles in the ovaries. At birth and in childhood the level of AMH in girls is very low, but increases significantly at puberty reaching a peak in early adulthood. As women age, the number of follicles (which produce AMH) decreases and so the level of AMH declines and becomes undetectable after the menopause. AMH levels in women therefore reflect the declining ovarian function, and its measurement is said to indicate ovarian reserve.

How is the sample collected for testing?

A blood sample is obtained by inserting a needle into a vein in the arm.

Is any test preparation needed to ensure the quality of the sample?

No test preparation is needed.